Did you know that under the By-law concerning the Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal (RCG 12-003), fire hydrants must be unobstructed for clear access by firefighters and their equipment at all times? There must be 1.5 metres of clear space left around them.
To ensure Montréal Island residents’ safety and allow firefighters to respond effectively, Montréal fire department crews must have ready access to fire hydrants. Since hedges, shrubs, trees, fences, car shelters, etc. can interfere with the work of firefighters, nothing is allowed within 1.5 metres of a hydrant.
When clearing snow, property owners and contractors must remember this rule and not block any hydrants.
Otherwise, notices of non-compliance may be issued to property owners, requiring that they take the appropriate corrective action.
For further information, please contact the fire department Prevention unit, at 514 872-3800.