Below you will find the procedure for submitting a request for authorization for performances with special effects, as well as all requirements and processing times.

The information presented on this page will be useful for any individual or organization:

  • That is considering carrying out a performance with special effects in the Montréal urban agglomeration.
  • That would like to obtain an authorization for performances with special effects from the Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal (Montréal fire department - SIM for short) for a temporary special event taking place in the Montréal urban agglomeration.

Request authorization for performances with special effects

To obtain an authorization for performances with special effects, the applicants or event promoters must submit the special request form at the bottom of the page.

Please complete the bilingual form available here.

Requirements for obtaining an authorization for performances with special effects

Persons requesting authorization for performances with special effects  must provide the following:

  • Authorization from the owner(s) of the site(s) where the performance with special effects will take place, if the site(s) are not on a list of buildings, fields, parks, public areas and streets that have been pre-authorized by the SIM. 
  • or a "public" event: the authorization number of the special event associated with the performance. This authorization number is issued by the borough, related municipality or para-municipal organization that is responsible for the territory where the event site is located (see special events)
  • The necessary insurance and any amendments, i.e. insurance coverage in the amount of $5 million regarding the specific details of every aspect of the performance and coinsurance for all partner agencies and municipal organizations
  • If the following special effects are used, the names of the professionals and the certifications and/or accreditations must be provided:
    • Pyrotechnics
    • Fire performer
    • Flame effect
  • Information and documentation required to fill out the application form for performances with special effects, in particular:
    • The certification and/or accreditation numbers of the professionals involved, including their identification number issued by the SIM
    • A detailed description of the performance (list of parts, equipment used, technical estimate, etc.)
    • A description of the safety measures that will be implemented;
    • A sketch of the site.

Application review period

SIM requires that a request for special effects be received at least five business days prior to the performance in order to complete all analysis prior to the issuance of the special effects authorization. Any application submitted to SIM that does not include all the required information is subject to delays.

Please note that any application that does not include all the required information will be subject to additional delays. If you have questions about the required information, please contact the special events and operational planning point of service by phone at 514-872-2662 or by e-mail at