New recruits at an opening ceremony
New recruits at an opening ceremony
Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal
Through its mission, vision and long-standing values, the Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal (Montréal fire department) places public safety at the heart of its concerns.


We’re working continually to make the Montréal agglomeration safer by being prepared to deal rapidly and effectively with any emergency in order to save lives, protect property and preserve the environment. 

This mission is accomplished by responding to all types of emergency incidents, including medical emergencies, fires and other emergency situations, and by carrying out prevention, public education and civil protection activities.


By placing the welfare of our citizens front and center, we play a leadership role as a fire safety and civil protection organization in Quebec thanks to the commitment of our personnel and the involvement of our partners. 

Our strength is our team, at your service. Our mission is threefold: education/prevention, emergency response, recovery and protection.

Our commitment

Each day, we are ready to:

  • ANTICIPATE risks and protect you from those risks.
  • SERVE you thanks to our competent, respectful, attentive and well-equipped teams.
  • RESPOND immediately to your calls for emergency assistance.
  • ACT professionally and demonstrate determination, skills and agility to ensure your safety.


  • Health and safety of all: The SIM commits to implementing the best practices in risk prevention, to acting quickly and efficiently when responding to emergencies and to keeping the skills of its staff up to date in order to ensure that safe procedures are used.
  • Priority to citizens: The SIM's constant concern is offering high-quality services to all citizens, an exemplary response time and professionalism at all times in the course of its activities.
  • Respect: The SIM is determined to create and maintain professional relationships that are characterized by integrity, compassion, constructive collaboration and openness to diversity.
  • Responsible management: The SIM commits to rigorous management of its resources to ensure optimal performance in its operational and organizational decisions, with a view towards achieving targeted results.