• An Occupational Health and Safety Award for the SIM

    Proud of our employees

    An Occupational Health and Safety Award for the SIM.

  • A Team’s Compassion and Professionalism Spells the Difference

    Proud of our employees

    On May 9, 2015, firefighters from Station 29, Group 2, received a first-response call.

  • Two deliveries in less than a week for SIM teams

    Proud of our employees

    Two deliveries in less than a week for SIM firefighters.

  • $108,000 raised for Haïti mission!

    Proud of our employees

    Again this year, some thirty SIM firefighters went to Haiti to continue the expansion of the Mark Bourque school launched a few years ago.

  • Firefighters Help Police Foil an Armed Robbery

    Proud of our employees

    On November 14, while on their way back from responding to a call, firefighters from Station 76 saw something odd.

  • A Highly Emotional Visit!

    Proud of our employees

    On December 8, 2014, the Station 3 and 15 teams, both located in the Sud-Ouest borough, received a call that someone had been struck by a train at the corner of rue Bridge.