The By-law concerning false fire alarms aims to reduce the number of avoidable false fire alarms. In case of an actual fire, these alarms must be taken very seriously.
Press releases
Rapport des activités 2015 du Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal
Press releases
The Montréal fire department had a very busy year last year, as shown by the 2014 activity report that it submitted today.
Page de base
Here's how to obtain a detailed fire report, which provides more information than the fire report summary.
Page de base
Here's how to obtain a fire report summary.
Page de base
Here is a list of things to do, people and organizations to contact and precautions to take in the first 24 hours after a fire.
Page de base
Here is a list of things to do immediately after a fire, as well as documents and data to keep close at hand.
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