Technical specifications
Squibs on set
1. The person in charge must hold the appropriate pyrotechnic special effects certificate issued by Natural Resources Canada, in order to produce the special effects.
2. Only devices approved by Natural Resources Canada may be used. Position the devices as shown in the submitted and authorized plan.
3. Should the pyrotechnic devices be set up more than one hour prior to their deployment, they must be duly identified, and adequately physically protected so as to avoid any incident resulting from their accidental discharge.
4. The location chosen for the deployment of the pyrotechnic effects must be safe and appropriate. The quantity of combustible materials must be limited in the vicinity of the special effects.
5. All parts of walls or objects meant to be broken by the squibs must be made of safe materials and produce a minimum quantity of fragments.
6. The artists and all members of their production team on set must be positioned at a safely prescribed distance by the pyrotechnics expert in charge of the special effects. They must all be informed of the inherent risks and of the safety measures, and must be protected from fragments, debris and sparks.
7. Choose a caliber of pyrotechnic device that can be applied to a person without injuring them.
8. The device must be mounted in the slot of a custom-made metal container placed on a piece of leather, in order to direct the explosion away from the artists.
9. The clothing item, the wall, the body of the car and all other materials must be cut or thinned.
10. At least two fire extinguishers that meet the requirements and have a minimum capacity of 4A-20BC must be located in the vicinity of the special effects.
11. Submit to the Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal a written report of any incident that occurred during the set-up, the show or at any stage of the process.
12. The ballistic effect must not hinder the proper functioning of the building’s fire protection and ventilation systems.