Équipement de pompiers
Le SIM lance son Bureau de l'équité, de la diversité et de l'inclusion.
Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal

Montréal’s fire department (SIM) is launching its new Bureau de l’équité, de la diversité et de l’inclusion (BÉDI), in an effort to diversify its workforce, thus enhancing the service it provides to Montrealers. Through the implementation of innovative tools, resources and events the bureau will guide both existing and potential employees by welcoming and respecting individual differences. 

This past June, Montréal made the commitment to promote greater representation of the city’s diversity within its workforce, by presenting its Master Plan for Employment Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Three months later, it was the SIM’s turn to create its Bureau de l’équité, de la diversité et de l’inclusion, whose actions will stem from the Plan’s three priorities, namely to:

  1. Recognize and value diversity
  2. Develop an inclusive culture 
  3. Strengthen communication and consultation

BÉDI objectives

Through its Bureau, the SIM is committed to reaching equity, diversity and inclusion goals by working as an ally for all communities in our metropolis, in collaboration with boroughs, related municipalities, as well as other partners who contribute to Montréal’s wealth and vitality. 

In this scope, the BÉDI will work toward the following goals:

  1. Diversify the workforce in order to better serve the community in every realm of the fire department’s activities and at every level of employment.
  2. Promote the integration of all and position the SIM as an inclusive organization that is respectful of differences and kind to its employees. 

Collaborative work

The BÉDI intends to solicit the collaboration of all members of the fire department (SIM) in supporting actions aiming to encourage potential candidates who identify as women, Indigenous, members of ethnic or visible minorities to apply for positions within the department. The SIM also wishes to encourage potential applicants from the LGBTQ2+.

BÉDI commitments

In order to honor its objectives and to facilitate collaboration among its members, here are some of the actions that the BÉDI intends to take:

  • A partnership with academic establishments in order to increase the hiring pool among underrepresented populations. 
  • An action plan aiming to reach out to youth across the urban agglomeration of Montréal, whether through schools, community centres or sports and cultural activities. 
  • An integration plan complete with a new employee’s guide to support the success and inclusion of all our members.  

Although the BÉDI is only getting started, the SIM is confident in its future and will invest the necessary efforts to reach the set goals with respect to equity, diversity and inclusion, in order to best suit Montréal’s communities.