Although the levels of tributaries and basins around the island of Montréal are stable, no significant drops were recorded by telemetry stations. Therefore, the Montréal agglomeration is maintaining a state of emergency through May 8 so that resources assigned to flood management can continue their work to secure affected areas. Snow melting to the north of us and precipitation can have impacts on water levels, so the city's emergency preparedness teams would like to remind residents to remain vigilant.

State of emergency at a glance
Under a state of emergency, the agglomeration has all necessary resources to monitor the evolution of the situation on an hourly basis and react as quickly as possible.

We encourage you to stay tuned to our twitter account Twitter @MTL_SIM and to our Facebook page, as well as to the Ville de Montréal Twitter and Facebook feeds, as and to read about what to do to prevent flooding.

For more information on flood prevention measures, see our flyer: Flooding | Know What to do Before, During and After.

In case of an emergency, dial 911. For more information, dial 311. If you are concerned about your health or that of a family member, dial 811.