Commémoration des pompiers décédés
Commémoration des pompiers décédés mai 2015
Sylvain Ryan

The Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal (SIM), in collaboration with the Association des pompiers retraités de Montréal (APRM), will pay tribute to the men and women who have shaped the municipal fire department’s history, during the traditional commemoration of fallen firefighters.

The ceremony will be held at the Centre de services financiers des pompiers, at 2600 boulevard Saint-Joseph Est in Montréal. A liturgical ceremony will be held in the Armand-Vanasse room, in the Centre’s basement, followed by a commemoration at the monument to Quebec firefighters who have died in the line of duty.

This commemoration has been a tradition since 1894. The members of the Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal, the families of firefighters who have lost a loved one and all partners of the department are invited to honour the memory of firefighters who have died in the past year.

At the start of the ceremony, active Montréal firefighters will be invited to observe a minute of silence for their fallen brethren. Reverend Pierre Desroches will conduct the ceremony.

2016 Commemoration of fallen firefighters
Date and time: May 22, 10 a.m.
Location: Centre de services financiers des pompiers
2600 boulevard Saint-Joseph Est