Montréal, 22 December 2014 - You’ve sent out all kinds of invitations and lots of friends and relatives will be gathering at your place. Now you’re planning your holiday menu: perhaps a fondue, a delicious roast or turkey… and of course you can’t forget the decorations, to make sure everything looks just right.

The Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal (SIM) encourages you to keep safety in mind during your festivities!

For instance, if you’re planning a fondue with a burner that uses liquid or gel fuel, you need to be extra careful. Be sure to use the right fuel. Place the burner on a fire-resistant surface. Use the proper lid to extinguish the burner. Always make sure the burner has cooled off before you refill it. In fact, you might even want to think about getting a second burner as a precaution, rather than refilling just one. Always keep an eye on what’s cooking in the kitchen, to avoid any accidents.

Are you planning on using candles and oil lamps, for a real old-time holiday atmosphere? Remember to handle them carefully. Never carry around a lighted candle or oil lamp. Keep them far away from any flammable material and out of children’s reach. Place them on a stable surface. Set candles firmly in proper holders or in fire-resistant containers, and make sure the flame doesn’t reach higher than the top of the container. For lamps, use the right fuel. Keep these safety tips in mind and you’re sure to have a wonderful and safe celebration.

A working smoke alarm on the same floor adds to your safety – in any case, current by-laws require it.

Your fire department wishes you warm and wonderful times with family and friends over the holidays, and a marvellous New Year. We’ll be keeping an eye on your safety at all times, but you can help by taking the necessary precautions. 

For more fire safety tips, see the “Prevention and Education” section of the SIM website, or watch the video on winter fire safety tips (in French).


Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal
Phone: 514-872-7687, from Monday to Friday
Pager: 514-749-7746, evening and weekends

Images for download

Caption : Candles

Source : Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal