• Witness account – A BBQ caused a devastating fire


    “The majority of fires are caused by human actions or manipulation,” stated Dany Lalancette, chief of operations with the Montréal fire department (SIM). 

  • Montréal’s fire department (SIM) is launching its new Bureau de l’équité, de la diversité et de l’inclusion


  • The smoke alarm brigade is back for an 11th consecutive year


    For an 11t h consecutive year, Montréal’s fire department (SIM) will be deploying its smoke alarm brigade. Until the end of September, 45 students will be meeting with residents of various areas in the urban agglomeration of Montréal, to check the presence and proper working order of their smoke alarms.

  • 2020 Activity Report


  • Butthead


    Butthead, n.: someone who throws their cigarette butts anywhere. This seemingly harmless gesture may actually cause fires and is a source of pollution.

  • Testimonial by Francis Dubreuil, captain of the Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal


    ''A citizen had called 911 to report a fire burning uncontrollably in his kitchen, located in a ground-floor unit of a 42-unit apartment building.[...] The occupant of the apartment above, #302, did not have a smoke alarm. As the smoke was spreading throughout her apartment, she remained fast asleep.''