Montréal, 27 June 2014 - Work recently began on the partial demolition and reconstruction of station 75, located at 40 avenue Saint-Just in the borough of Outremont. The Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal (SIM) has put various measures in place to ensure that public safety will not be compromised under any circumstances.

The Ville de Montréal executive committee, it may be recalled, approved the deconstruction plan for station 75 in September 2012, which calls for the preservation of the hose tower. This decision followed a qualitative assessment of municipal buildings commissioned in 2009, which concluded that the building had a Facility Condition Index of more than 60%. The decision also took into account the assessment of the building’s heritage interest carried out in conjunction with the qualitative assessment. 

All steps are being taken to ensure that these municipal facilities comply with standards in force so that employees posted to the station can benefit from a healthy work environment that guarantees their occupational safety and health. The department conducted an impact analysis of the project and put forward measures to ensure the continuity of operations until the work is completed in full, thereby guaranteeing that the quality of services to citizens will not be affected. 

The station’s firefighters and fire truck 275 will be housed in a temporary building on the station grounds. The work (including the restoration of the hose tower) is expected to cost close to $7 million and will be completed in December 2015.


Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal
Phone: 514-872-7687, from Monday to Friday
Pager: 514-749-7746, evening and weekends

Images for download
Future fire station 75
Future caserne 75

Caption : Future fire station 75.

Source : Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal