The Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal (Montréal fire department - SIM for short) offers a training session for people who want to learn how to use portable fire extinguishers. The aim of this three-hour session is to teach participants to use a portable extinguisher at the start of a fire.
Target audience
Any resident or groups of employees in the workplace.
Three hours.
Overview of themes
- Fire safety plan and the neighbourhood brigade (if there is one)
- Risks specific to the group or individual
- Location of extinguishers and other firefighting material
- Principles of combustion and classes of fires
- Methods of extinguishing fires and extinguishing agents
- Handling a portable extinguisher
- Types of extinguishers
- Workshop about handling extinguishers and safety instructions
Information and reservations
Would you like to reserve this training session? Contact the public education department at 514-872-4684 for more information.