As an industrial manager, you are responsible for the safety of your site, as well as identifying, clearing and maintaining access routes for fire safety vehicles.

Industrial facilities are any building or site where items are assembled, manufactured, produced, processed, treated, repaired or maintained, or where products and materials are stored. In such facilities, there are sometimes production procedures involving dangerous substances or which produces waste that is toxic for workers and the environment. The co-existence of these industrial procedures and dangerous substances entails a risk of fire or explosion which is much greater than other types of activities. 

As an industrial manager, you are responsible for the people in your facility, whether they come to work there, deliver merchandise or for any other reason. Basic notions of fire safety and equipment 

Access routes for fire safety vehicles


Municipal fire safety legislation requires building owners to provide direct access for fire safety vehicles. Vehicles must be able to access at least one side of the building by a street, access road or driveway. 


These access routes must be clear at all times. It is prohibited to park vehicles, erect facilities, place containers or otherwise obstruct the access route in any way. Signs probibiting obstruction of the access route must be posted on the same side of the building. 


Fire department vehicles must be able to safely navigate your access route. These vehicles are large and heavy. This is why your access routes must be properly maintained to avoid landslides, grade changes, or other types of deterioration that could keep firefighters from strategically placing their vehicles and equipment.