• The urban agglomeration of Montréal announces the end of the state of emergency


    The urban agglomeration of Montréal announces that the state of emergency declared this past April 26th due to the floods caused by the spring freshet ends today.

  • SIM and Civil Protection News


    Spring freshet – status update

  • Flooding: The SIM focuses on prevention


    The SIM has launched a prevention campaign to help residents learn how to prepare for an emergency.

  • Change your clocks, check your smoke alarms!


  • Change your clocks and check your smoke alarms


    We’ll turn the clocks back from November 3 to 4. The Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal recommends that you take the opportunity to check your smoke detectors.

  • New pamphlet!


    New “Fire Safety at Home” pamphlet!